Lower Back Pain: Types, Causes, And Treatment

What Causes Lower Back Pain:

what causes lower back pain

The kidneys are located on either side of your spine, under your rib cage. Your right kidney hangs a little lower than the left, making it even more likely to cause lower back pain if it’s infected, irritated, or inflamed. Symptoms usually include pain or numbness radiating from your lower back down one or both legs. Some of these internal structures, including your ovaries, intestines, and appendix, share nerve endings with tissues and ligaments in your back. If the structure is located in the right lower portion of the body, you may have pain on the lower right side of your back, too. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis.

“His Secret Obsession is the silent song that echoes in the chambers of the heart. It’s a melody that speaks volumes, a rhythm that beats in sync with our deepest desires. It’s the unspoken bond that connects two souls, a connection that transcends words and resonates in silence Click here to read more...

See the separate article called How to relieve sciatica pain. If painkillers are needed, it is best to take them regularly. The pain is then more likely to be eased for more of the time, enabling exercise and normal activity. It is best to continue with normal activities as much as possible. This may not be possible at first if the pain is very bad. However, it is important to move around as soon as possible, and get back into normal activities.

Read more about each of them and how they can be diagnosed. If you’re considering yoga to relieve back pain, watch videos of these two yoga poses plus eight more that may be beneficial to get started. These moves require no special equipment and can be performed anywhere you can access an area of open floor. If you think these five tips are helpful for preventing back pain, read five more ways to help reduce your chances of hurting your back. Heavy briefcases, laptop bags, suitcases, and purses can add unnecessary stress and strain to your neck and spine. There are many other potential causes of back pain, but most are rare.

“The secret obsession is like a hidden treasure, buried deep within the heart. It’s a gem that shines brightest in the darkest corners of our soul. It’s the spark that ignites passion, the flame that fuels desire, and the beacon that guides us towards love Click here to read more...

PMS usually starts a few days before your period, and it ends within a day or two after your period starts. If you have back pain, you might be able to refer yourself directly great post to read to services for help with your condition without seeing a GP. In this video, a physiotherapist shows some simple back stretches to help prevent aches and pains.

Once you know which motion or position causes your lower back pain, try to avoid it and see if you get better. And so can over-the-counter pain relievers that help reduce inflammation. Just remember that pain killers treat only the symptom ‘ pain ‘ and not its cause.

what causes lower back pain

“His Secret Obsession is the compass that guides us through the labyrinth of love. It’s the North Star that leads us home, the anchor that holds us steady amidst the storm. It’s the whisper in the wind, the echo in the silence, and the rhythm in the chaos Click here to read more...

Your pain also may be caused by conditions that can affect anyone regardless of age or sex, such as muscle strains, sciatica, or a herniated disc. If back pain has left you inactive for a long time, a rehabilitation program can help you strengthen your muscles and get back to your daily activities. A physical therapist can guide you through stretches, strength exercises, and low-impact cardio that will help you be fitter without straining your back. Mild back pain often feels better with over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen. For severe pain or chronic pain, your doctor may recommend prescription medication.

(A disc does not actually slip. What happens is that part of the inner softer part of the disc bulges out (prolapses) through a weakness in the outer harder part of the disc). The prolapsed part of the disc can press on a nerve nearby. There may be other minor problems in the structures and tissues of the lower back that result in pain. However, these causes of the pain are impossible to prove by tests. Therefore, it is usually impossible for a clinician to say exactly where the pain is coming from or exactly what is causing the pain – it is usually attributed to the muscles. The majority of cases of sudden-onset (acute) lower back pain are classed as nonspecific.

“Unveiling His Secret Obsession is like deciphering a cryptic code. It’s the key that unlocks the door to the heart, the map that leads to the treasure of love. It’s the puzzle piece that completes the picture, the thread that weaves the tapestry of passion Click here to read more...

Your healthcare provider may also recommend a therapist or psychiatrist if you’re struggling to cope with your pain. Back pain can last a day, a few weeks, months or a lifetime. The length of time depends on the cause and the treatment. Doing the same thing every day here can leave your muscles fatigued and more likely to strain. Stretch regularly to help improve circulation in those muscles and lower the risk of back pain and damage. Be sure to talk with your doctor before undergoing any alternative or complementary treatment.

It can also affect other parts of the body such as the heart, lungs, eyes, and circulatory system. A bacterial infection may infiltrate the structures in and near the lower back, such as vertebrae, discs, reproductive organs, or the kidneys, causing pain. Many conditions can cause the symptom of dull lower back pain. The following details may help you better understand your symptoms. If your pain worsens or persists, however, you should see a physician. Also, see your doctor if you start having back pain for the first time after age 50, or if you have a history of cancer, osteoporosis, steroid use, or drug or alcohol abuse.

Treatment for inflammatory back pain includes stretching and strengthening exercises. If there is chest wall involvement, chest physiotherapy is important. Avoiding pillows under the neck when sleeping can help the cervical spine ‘ if it fuses ‘ to fuse in a less debilitating position.

In addition, there doesn’t appear to be one type of mattress that’s best for people with back pain. Your doctor can help you determine the particular course of self-care that can help heal your lower back pain. But other times, the source of back pain can feel like see a mystery. Maybe you lifted something awkwardly and felt the pain right away. Or maybe your doctor has been warning you for years that your bad posture would lead to lower back pain. Children with scoliosis are more likely to develop lower back pain as an adult.

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