Waking Up With Headaches: 6 Causes And Treatments

Waking Up With A Headache:

waking up with a headache

New research links neck pain and inflammation with migraine and tension-type headaches. The key for abortive (as-needed) migraine treatment for waking migraines is that is must be something fast acting to have a chance to catch the migraine. So for waking migraines, injectable Sumatriptan (Imitrex), nasal Zolmitriptan (Zomig) or Sumatriptan (Imitrex), are typically going to be the most effective triptans. With that said, sometimes patients can get away with a fast-acting oral triptan such as Rizatriptan (Maxalt) as well. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to your skull. Pain in the joint and its surrounding muscles, caused by things like too much gum chewing or clenching and grinding your teeth at night, can bring a morning headache.

Finally, the researchers did not use validated emotional rating scales such as the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale or clinical screening tools. If you suspect medication is the cause, ask your doctor about alternatives. Limit alcohol intake, especially before bed, and ensure you’re drinking enough water to counteract its dehydrating effects. Research has found that myofascial release’which involves applying pressure to hyperirritable spots in neck muscles’and stretching techniques are also effective in improving migraine pain intensity and cervical range of motion. Have you ever noticed you might get more headaches when you change the clocks for daylight saving time? These cause severe pain around your eyes, often around just one eye.

Research shows that mood disorders and migraine episodes frequently occur together, and having one indicates a higher risk for having the other. They may via ask you to track your sleep patterns to help diagnose the condition. Headaches come in all shapes and sizes from mild throbs to nausea-inducing agonies.

Patients in this cycle will often notice that after they take their overused medication, the headache calms back down again. It starts to worsen again as they are due see for another dose and it is wearing off. Caffeine withdrawal headache can also be a cause of wake up headaches, for similar reasons as described for rebound headache.

‘Patients don’t realize that medicines as simple as Advil, Tylenol and Excedrin are really big culprits,’ Dr. Mullin said. The best way to prevent these headaches is to cut back on the drugs if possible, taking them fewer than three times a week. With good sleep hygiene and treatment for the disorder causing your headaches, you may be able to reduce or eliminate your morning headaches.

Always speak to your healthcare provider before taking new medications as they can recommend the right timing, dosage, and type of medication for your situation. If you have ever been woken up by a headache in the middle of the night, you may have experienced what’s known as a hypnic headache. If you are someone who has been diagnosed with this specific type of headache, you know that they can be extremely frustrating. There can be a number of obvious reasons for an early-morning headache, like drinking too much the night before, and other more complex causes such as sleep disorders.

However, don’t stop taking a prescription medication without the advice of a healthcare professional. Doing so can cause side effects, as well as complications related to your condition going untreated. Your provider can work with you to find a different treatment or a dosage of your current treatment that works better for you.

‘When daylight savings comes around, whether it’s spring forward or fall back, it’s very important to preserve seven to eight hours of sleep to prevent this from causing headache attacks,’ Dr. Cohen says. Other people may experience “alarm clock” (hypnic) headaches, which solely begin during sleep. Hypnic headaches are rare and occur most commonly after age 50. Cluster headache attacks occur in ‘clusters’, or cycles, of frequent headache attacks.

They could be a sign of a dangerous hypertension-related complication called preeclampsia, which can also cause blurry vision, swollen hands and face, and right-side abdominal pain. If you have both depression and anxiety, you may want to start with treatments that can help both of them, such as talk therapy and antidepressants. Some antidepressants have sedative effects, helping you sleep better too. Headaches range from dull, throbbing aches to sharp, stabbing pain or tightening sensations in the head. Morning headaches encompass a variety of headache types that can be present upon waking or shortly thereafter. You may not know that you’re grinding your teeth, but look out for earache, muscle tenderness, teeth sensitivity, or a sore and painful jaw.

waking up with a headache

Although there is no known cause of cluster headaches and they lack known triggers, drinking alcohol during episodes can trigger a splitting headache and complicate the problem. Taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications, such as Tylenol and Advil, too often or for too long can cause medication overuse headaches. Taking them regularly can actually turn an episodic headache into a chronic one, Dr. Shadbehr explains. It’s also important to note that try this is a common sign of medication overuse headache because your body is essentially withdrawing from the medications overnight. ‘There is an integral relationship between sleep and headaches,’ Dr. Shadbehr says. ‘Poor sleep quality can cause headaches, and improved sleep quality can help relieve them.’ There is also a link between insomnia and headaches.

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