Hashimoto’s Disease Symptoms & Causes

Is Hypothyroid Genetic:

is hypothyroid genetic

In most cases, women with hypothyroidism during pregnancy have Hashimoto’s disease. This autoimmune disease causes the body’s immune system to attack and damage the thyroid. When that happens, the thyroid can’t produce and release high enough levels of thyroid hormones, impacting the entire body.

The immune system wrongly enlists disease-fighting agents that damage cells and lead to cell death. I received an email from one family that was affected with autoimmune disease. The members of the family all turned out to be gluten sensitive (both mom and dad had the genes for celiac disease).

Some subtypes of hypothyroidism may be more heavily influenced by environmental factors than others. According to a 2017 review, environmental factors account for approximately 20% of autoimmune hypothyroidism causes. For some people, hypothyroidism is a complex mix of environmental and genetic factors.

Many cases of low thyroid production are misdiagnosed because only one or two of the levels are checked. All of these levels must work together to have a proper functioning thyroid. This is a disorder that causes the immune system to attack the thyroid. The resulting damage leads to inflammation and swelling of the thyroid gland, which in turn reduces its ability to function normally. PAX8 is another gene essential for the proper formation of the thyroid gland. The PAX8 gene provides instructions for producing a protein that binds to specific areas of DNA, regulating the activity of other genes, especially during fetal development.

Treatments for both of these conditions work to get your thyroid function as close to that middle ground as possible. See your health care provider if you’re feeling tired for no reason or if you have other symptoms of hypothyroidism. At first, you may barely notice the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue and weight gain. But as your metabolism continues to slow, you may develop more-obvious problems. The hygiene hypothesis suggests that Western diets and lifestyles, which are often low in exposure to and diversity of beneficial bacteria, can impact gut colonization and immune system health [19]. Environmental triggers that influence thyroid genes and health include things like your iodine status [16], toxin exposure [17], or specific foods [18].

Reference ranges take into account the average values of 95 percent of the population. If you are in the 5 percent who doesn’t, you may experience symptoms of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism even though you have TSH values considered normal. All doctors are taught the old adage, ‘Treat the patient and not the lab tests,’ but sadly few conventional doctors seem to follow this advice.

is hypothyroid genetic

Difficulty concentrating and depression can also be signs of a shortage of thyroid hormones. In some mild cases, you may not have symptoms of hypothyroidism or the symptoms may fade over time. In other cases, the symptoms of hypothyroidism will go away shortly after you start treatment. For those with particularly low levels of thyroid hormones, hypothyroidism is a life-long condition that will need to be managed with medication on a regular schedule.

Some infants are born with an underdeveloped or nonfunctional thyroid gland, resulting in congenital hypothyroidism. If not treated promptly, this condition can lead to physical and mental development issues. Routine neonatal screening helps page detect this condition early in most developed countries. If you have hypothyroidism, you will need to take medication to normalize thyroid hormone levels in your body. Finding the correct dose of thyroid medication can take some adjusting.

Subclinical hypothyroidism has been reviewed in a previous Lancet Seminar1 and is therefore not the focus here. When the thyroid gland is underactive, it doesn’t produce sufficient thyroid hormones, which play a vital role in regulating the body’s metabolism. A slower metabolism means the body burns fewer calories at rest and during activity, leading these details to weight gain. This weight gain is primarily due to the accumulation of salt and water, and not fat. Additionally, individuals with hypothyroidism may experience fatigue and reduced activity levels, which can further contribute to weight gain. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism, especially in the United States.

Other causes of primary hypothyroidism include transient thyroiditis and infiltrative disease (panel). The pituitary gland then no longer tells the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones. A primary cause is a condition that directly impacts the thyroid and causes it to create low levels of thyroid hormones.

While the direct cause might not always be genetic, there are genes that can predispose an individual to thyroid disorders. In rare situations, surgery might be recommended to address specific thyroid problems, such as large goiters or nodules. While surgery can resolve these particular issues, check these guys out it might not cure hypothyroidism. In fact, if the entire thyroid is removed, hormone replacement therapy becomes necessary. In the Italian cohort of 100 patients with CH, two JAG1 variants to the heterozygous state were found in 4/100 cases (three with TD, two with heart malformations).

While genes play a significant role in many thyroid diseases, including cancer, other players like your age, sex, and environmental factors also exist. If you’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism,  you can prevent your symptoms from becoming serious. Consider your risk factors, and if you do have a history of thyroid problems in your family, make sure your health care provider knows. Report anything about your health that’s not normal for you ‘ an early diagnosis can make the path to feeling better a lot smoother. Having one autoimmune condition puts us at risk for having additional ones, so addressing the root cause of Hashimoto’s can help prevent the development of other autoimmune conditions. Reducing thyroid antibody triggers can potentially prevent thyroid cancer as well’ some studies have shown that Thyroglobulin antibodies may be related to an increased risk of thyroid cancer.

But there are many possible healthy diets to support your thyroid health. Resolving gut infections [33] and eating a gut-healthy diet [34] can help improve your thyroid symptoms and the effectiveness of your thyroid medication. It may not seem like your gut has anything to do with your thyroid, but thyroid-like symptoms like fatigue or depression may actually come from your gut [24, 25]. Additionally, poor gut health can make it harder to absorb your thyroid medication [26]. If this sounds like you, there are options beyond focusing on your genes, which you can’t change. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, avoiding radiation and pollutant exposure, and smoking cessation can all improve your individual risk.

That means that we must make sure we get comprehensive thyroid testing as part of our health maintenance. Many doctors are not familiar or comfortable with ordering a complete thyroid function panel, making it challenging to get the whole picture of your thyroid health. Still, it is also essential to assess your free T4, free T3, and TPO antibodies, which can help determine autoimmune destruction of the thyroid gland.

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