How Do I Get VA Disability For Sleep Apnea?

Va Disability Sleep Apnea:

va disability sleep apnea

Moreover, the VA has an expected duty to assist veterans in scheduling the sleep study examination. In this scenario, the veteran demonstrates that an already service-connected disability contributed to sleep apnea. In other words, patients must prove that a current diagnosis of sleep apnea is related to an in-service event, injury, or illness.

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Coming from a lineage of WWII and Vietnam veterans, he has litigated some 1,000 appeals at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, recovering millions of dollars on behalf of disabled veterans. Attorney Gang is frequently in the news with commentary on issues affecting veterans. His victories for veterans are often featured in mainstream news, including the Miami Herald, Dallas Morning News, Sacramento Bee, and others, as well as in many military publications.

Don’t forget’VSOs and veteran law experts are there to help you through the process. Veterans often carry the weight of their service long after they hang up their uniforms, and sleep apnea is a shared burden. Establishing a service connection is critical to getting VA benefits for this condition. Dive into obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and you’ll find it’s as common as popcorn at a movie theater’but way less enjoyable.

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The highest possible scheduler VA disability rating for Sleep Apnea is 100%, which includes symptoms such as, chronic respiratory failure with carbon dioxide retention or cor pulmonale, or; requires tracheostomy. Therefore, these details it is worthwhile to consider if the initial VA disability claim gets denied for sleep apnea. The VA rating you receive for sleep apnea determines how much you will receive in monthly compensation for disability.

Because you aren’t getting as much oxygen, your body responds by waking you up briefly to breathe, which starts a cycle of repeatedly stopping and starting to breathe. These pauses between breaths can last a minute or more, and sufferers can wake up 30 or more times during the night, disrupting healthy sleep. Many people suffer from loud snoring and daytime sleepiness and often complain of a morning headache. For the most part, if you’re a disabled veteran with a sleep apnea claim, the 50% sleep apnea rating is your best-case scenario. The condition is given a serious VA disability rating because of sleep apnea’s ability to cause grave long-term damage.

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You can appeal any VA disability benefits decision within one year of the date of your decision letter. VA disability appeals sometimes are pursued multiple times until the VA gets your claim decided right. A VA disability ratings dispute is done through one of three different types of appeals. The three types are Higher Level Review, Supplemental Claim, and Board Review. The best type of appeal is a decision made between you and a VSO or experienced VA disability claim attorney.

If you are struggling with your VA disability rating or want to learn more about our service, please get in touch with our Veteran Ratings team. Disability benefits decisions take approximately 6-8 months when using Veteran Ratings and our network of consulting partners to guide Veterans in gathering documents and evidence. This typically cuts the decision process time in half and possibly more versus Veterans who go through the process themselves. The VA has established 2023 Veterans disability compensation rates which you can view here. Estimates show that more than 400,000 Veterans who served after 9/11 have service-connected sleep apnea. Vietnam era Veterans also have sleep apnea in high numbers due to obesity, age, a higher incidence of smoking, PTSD, anxiety and depression.

va disability sleep apnea

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Therefore, veterans who are service connected for sleep apnea can become secondary service-connected for their GERD, and vice versa. Oftentimes, the symptoms of the three types of sleep apnea can overlap, making diagnosis more difficult. As of 2016, the Social Security Administration his response (SSA) stopped qualifying people for disability compensation because of Sleep Apnea alone. This shows how important your case is, and that you’re serious about getting the benefits you deserve. Sinusitis does not cause the throat’s muscle tone to weaken as sleep apnea does.

A direct service connection means your sleep apnea began during your military stint. Proving it’s as straightforward as linking cause and effect’but with more paperwork. You’ll need solid medical records showing diagnosis while you were in uniform or soon after you waved goodbye to active duty.

Additionally, VA issued an opinion from its Office of General Counsel stating that while veterans cannot receive disability benefits for obesity, it can be used as an intermediary step. For example, say a veteran has a service-connected orthopedic condition preventing them from exercising and thereby causing weight gain (i.e., obesity). In this case, while there is not a direct connection between the service-connected orthopedic condition and sleep apnea, they are linked together by obesity. Since the service-connected orthopedic condition caused obesity that then caused the sleep disorder, VA should grant service connection for sleep apnea on a secondary basis. Before considering your VA claim for a sleep apnea disability rating, the VA will insist that you provide the results of a sleep study, which can help define the severity of your medical condition.

Even though sleep apnea is typically rated secondary to other service-connected disabilities, you can be assigned a VA disability rating for sleep apnea and receive monthly compensation. For more information on the causes of sleep apnea, potential complications, and how to qualify for VA disability for your sleep apnea, reach out to Veterans Guide. Many veterans suffer from various sleep conditions due to their military service, to include Sleep Apnea’a sleep disorder whereby breathing repeatedly stops and lowest price starts during sleep (apneic episodes). Determining your sleep apnea VA rating requires the collection of evidence to prove your diagnosis, and its connection to your service, as well as a sleep study to prove it to the VA. You’ll need to file VA Form EZ with all the necessary information and evidence, and ideally, your claim will be approved and you receive an accurate VA rating for your sleep apnea. The sleep study generally involves you going to a facility and sleeping in a controlled environment.

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