Sleep Apnea VA Ratings And Connecting Secondary Conditions

Va Rating For Sleep Apnea:

va rating for sleep apnea

Acid reflux is also common in those with sleep apnea, which is known to worsen asthma. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most typical kind of sleep apnea that leads sleepers to wake during the night gasping for air, sometimes feeling as if they’re suffocating. When the throat muscles relax so much that they block your airway, it can cause you to wake abruptly, gasping to get air into your lungs.

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Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for sleep apnea is essential for managing the condition and improving overall well-being. For veterans who suffer from sleep apnea as a result of their military service, the VA provides compensation based on the severity of the condition. If you suspect that you or a loved one may have sleep apnea, consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Many veterans with a VA sleep apnea rating may qualify for total disability based on individual unemployability (TDIU) benefits. Many veterans with service-connected sleep apnea have other health issues that are related to their sleep apnea or their time in the service.

va rating for sleep apnea

This is the VA’s primary plan for treating Veterans with sleep apnea but doctors will also prescribe changes in your diet and amount of exercise as well as stress reduction techniques for improved nighttime breathing. In the long term sleep apnea might also increase the risk of recurrent heart attack, stroke, and abnormal heartbeats, such as atrial lowest price fibrillation. Heart disease can cause multiple episodes of low blood oxygen and lead to sudden death from an irregular heartbeat. As a Veteran, if you can link your sleep apnea to a service-related cause, you may be eligible for disability benefits. If you have more than one disability connected to your service, you will receive a combined rating.

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The ongoing lack of sleep often affects the person’s ability to function well in their daily life. You can sleep with a home-based monitor that records much of the same information while allowing you to sleep in your bed at home. Depending on the home test results, a sleep specialist may advise that you follow up with a more formal sleep study as part of your VA claim. Depending on your circumstances, a hearing before a Board of Veterans’ Appeals, a higher-level review or a supplemental claim could help you receive the benefits you’re entitled to. To learn which type of appeal makes the most sense if your claim has been denied, contact me today to schedule a free case evaluation.

Your nexus letter should refer to relevant medical records, test results, and sleep study reports. Be sure to include dates, locations, and any other relevant information that strengthens the link between your condition and service. The inability to get the kind of restful sleep necessary for optimal health can affect a veteran’s ability to effectively secure and maintain gainful employment, which is often the case with sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder.

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The criteria for TDIU (Total Disability Individual Unemployability) is not based on any particular type of disabling condition. It’s based on the ratings level of individual and overall ratings, as well as the inability to work. If there’s any evidence suggesting your sleep apnea is unrelated to your service, don’t ignore it. Instead, ask your doctor to explain why they believe it’s connected despite those factors.

If it’s chronic, it can be linked to sleep apnea because rhinitis is known to cause or aggravate sleep apnea. Veterans with sleep apnea and rhinitis or sinusitis may be able to receive VA disability ratings for both conditions. To do this, they can show their service-connected rhinitis or sinusitis is causing their sleep apnea. VA disability claims for sleep apnea can sometimes be directly related to service, but more often, sleep apnea is claimed as a secondary condition related to another service-connected disability.

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If you suffer from allergic rhinitis either seasonally or chronically, it can force you to breathe out of your mouth, worsening sleep apnea. And those with allergic rhinitis are over 50% more likely to also suffer from sleep apnea. The inability to get a good night’s sleep eventually results in sleep debt, which can mean excessive daytime sleepiness and an inability to concentrate. Maximizing your VA rating involved a personalized and strategic approach to connecting secondary conditions to your primary diagnosis of OSA based on your personal medical history.

They may also suffer other complications, like heart problems, high blood pressure, and type two diabetes. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea as a veteran, you may be entitled to VA benefits. An experienced New Jersey veterans disability attorney can help you understand your right to benefits.

From there, the VA will find the diagnostic code that best matches your symptoms, which will result in your rating. The magic happens when your doctor connects click here for info the dots between your service and sleep apnea. Ask them to state that your condition is ‘at least as likely as not’ connected to your military service.

Are you unhappy with a VA disability benefits decision for your sleep apnea? Would you like to receive a free review of your case to see if an appeal is a good choice? The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recognizes both sleep apnea and tinnitus as service-connected disabilities. So, if a veteran can show that active these conditions were caused or worsened by their time in service, they might be eligible for compensation. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. Tinnitus, on the other hand, is that ringing, buzzing, or humming sound in the ears that doesn’t have an external source.

The three types are Higher Level Review, Supplemental Claim, and Board Review. The best type of appeal is a decision made between you and a VSO or experienced VA disability claim attorney. Federal laws and regulations provide the VA guidance on assigning ratings to hundreds of types of disabilities, usually comparing your diagnosis and symptoms with these rating schedules.

The letter will give a brief explanation of the VA’s decision, and if benefits are awarded, the effective date of payments. In general, being a male or genetic factors such as a deviated septum also increase risk. Problems getting a good, full night’s sleep may make you extremely tired and unable to focus at work. You may be more irritable and lash out at others, making it hard to work well with customers or coworkers. You may even struggle to stay awake and find yourself dozing off on the job, causing you to be reprimanded or let go by an employer.

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